Showing posts with label Chanel AW10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chanel AW10. Show all posts

Most Beautiful And Realistic Faux Fall Collection

With a real Iceberg as a backdrop for the Chanel A/W 10 show, coupled with the most beautiful and realistic faux fur you are ever likely to see, the video of the Fall Collection had me mesmerised and wondering what they would do with the fur boots that were being being worn through giant puddles as the Iceberg gradually melted.... and those fur trimmed bags - OMG, to die for! Forget the usual 2.55 object of desire, I want a furry one now!

Most Beautiful And Realistic Faux Fall Collection

Most Beautiful And Realistic Faux Fall Collection

Most Beautiful And Realistic Faux Fall Collection

Most Beautiful And Realistic Faux Fall Collection

Most Beautiful And Realistic Faux Fall Collection

Most Beautiful And Realistic Faux Fall Collection
Don't forget to enter the giveaway in my previous post. If you have always fancied trying out vitamins for your skin, hair and nails, here is your chance to win 28 days supply.

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Glee and Gossip Girl Cast for Another Op Ads

For their latest "Back To College" ad campaign, Op featured the cast of Glee and Gossip Girl for the second time along with other ...