Now, imagine my "quelle horreur" when Husband rings from the train whilst on his way to the Cheltenham Festival to tell me he has read an Evening Standard Fashion article with the same title I had planned for this Post! I begged him to read the article to me, but he text back his refusal, explaining that said article was too long - Drat. I then went online and found the article on their website! - Yay! and here are the pictures.....
You can read the full article here.
So firstly my parcel. White and orange box, gorgeous packaging - ring any bells? A parcel from Isabella Oliver. Contents: black, wool, outergarment which according to the Evening Standard article, are being worn by all the cool kids in town and were in abundance at London Fashion Week.
I had been thinking about a Cape for sometime and how I had been secretly hankering after one, so when the lovely Lucy at Isabella Oliver told me she still had one from the Autumn/Winter collection in my size, I was, to say the least, overjoyed.
The article just confirms that I was right to choose such a garment, which along with the Puffa Coat and my new cream Trench, has all my outer garment options covered, no matter what the weather.
Sorry but you can't expect really good pictures from a nine year old, especially as you are 2 minutes away from having to leave the house for the school run! The Cape kept out the chill from a crisp spring morning and if the weather forecast is to be believed, I will get a good bit of wear out of it yet, as it is supposed to get colder tomorrow, sorry guys but "oh goody".
I posted about Isabella Oliver at New York Fashion week here and if you are looking for quality timeless classic styling, or gorgeous maternity wear as worn by the likes of Gwen Stefani and Angelina Jolie, then do check out their website which features their new spring and summer collection.
Next on my "hit list" will be this gorgeous green blazer. How clean and fresh does that look with white jeans and a vest?
Isabella Oliver are currently offering free returns and free delivery if you enter the code "UKDELIVERY" at the checkout.