There are a few reasons why Jones Bootmaker has come up on my fashion radar this week. Firstly the lovely Tor at fabfrocks posted about this fab bag, which had me thinking if I wasn't such a designer bag lover then this would be a great investment at only £69 for a leather bag which will go with everything, never go out of fashion and looks big enough to fill with everything except the kitchen sink!

Then this weeks Grazia featured a classic Leather Satchel, also £69, for those of you who a) can't afford a Mulberry Alexa or b) don't like it anyway!

My favourite weekly Glossy also featured another one of my current obsessions - Clogs! Totally loving these (both colours) at a very reasonable £65, but alas I think Mrs Fab will need to continue her quest for a slightly lower pair as I want to be able to wear them everyday and any shoes with heels over 2 inches are purely for transportation by Taxi not for traipsing around Tesco, although I might have to make an exception for the Russell and Bromley Leopard print ones, they are divine and have me drooling like a dog! Oh and can somebody please tell me why R&B don't sell online?